Saturday, August 05, 2006

Double Dose

For those of you who missed it, Taking the Jesus Pill has been extended through September. I do recommend it and would be most interested in other peoples' opinion. (hey, I'd love to see it again too if comp tickets came my way...hint hint, universe...)


Adam Jacob said...

Now that's the kind of show I'd like to see... Hopefully, it goes national sometime.

By the way, I've been reading you for a little over a year now, but finally feel led to comment on your last few posts.

I'm a recently minted Episcopalian who has spent a lot of time treading the waters of evangelical higher education. I was raised United Methodist, and my formative years of faith (including four years of bible college) were spent in the independent Christian churches.

Anyway, the questions you wrestle with concerning Christology and soteriology are the same questions I'm still working out for myself, so I really enjoy hearing your perspective. Also, I really think your vocational journey and your decision to attend Fuller are fascinating as well.

I just moved from a conservative diocese that does ordain women to an even more conservative diocese that doesn't, which is frankly very frustrating to me, so you have my prayers. I'm currently discerning a call to vocation myself, so it's nice to see the process play out.

I've rambled enough, but thank you for the stimulating thought you share here.

Stasi said...

Thank you so much for commenting. I really like to know who's out there reading. Feels like less of a void that I'm sending my deepest darkest out in to.