Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Look at their Faces

I got this from True Majority today, and I think it's a fine idea. The link below takes you to California's page, but there's a link directly below the senators' names to choose another state. If nothing else, it's quite heartbreaking to look into the faces of those from home who've lost their lives. Whether it was for a good reason or not, they are so young and seem like they should be beginning life, not ending it. The church I attended Sunday named the dead from the week (including ages, most were 19 and 20) and then gave the total tally (3783). God, I remember standing vigil when it hit 2000. How much longer?

Look at their faces. And think about the thousands and thousands more who we have no pictures for. Who we are to love as much as our own - at least if we choose to follow the way of Jesus. Tough, tough, tough.

Here's the message:

Last week in Washington, while General Petraeus was showing his charts, and the Senate and the President were busy putting on a little bit of political theater, Sgt. Nicholas J. Patterson of Indiana was dying in Baghdad.

As of today, 3,783 soldiers have lost their lives in Iraq. This week the Senate is debating a slew of amendments to tweak this deadline or adjust that benchmark in Iraq, trying to "look like they're doing something." They need to forget the politics and remember this reality.

Let's take this moment to remind the Senate of the true cost of this war and why it is so important that they bring our troops home. We've prepared an individual photo memorial for every American from your state who has died in Iraq, including their picture, name, age, military unit, hometown, and the circumstances of their death. We're asking TrueMajorityACTION members to send these memorials to both of their Senators urging them to put a stop to this war.

Can you join them? Mail a memorial to your Senators today.

It's so important that our government remembers that this war is costing us the lives of our men and women, and they have a responsibility to take the right steps to start bringing our troops home. It's about time the Senate focus on what's really important. And it isn't politics.

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