Saturday, February 21, 2009

A recipe, a memory

I got this email from my foodie list serv about an already accepted book proposal that is seeking submissions! I don't have anything to contribute, but I thought someone I know might, so I'm passing it along. Incidentally, I just got my contract in the mail today for Jesus Girls, and I'll post more info as I learn about its publication (this is the collection of essays by women who grew up evangelical to which I contributed my story about the "exorcism" I experienced in college).

Anyway, here's the message:
I am absolutely ecstatic to announce that my book proposal has found a home at Praeger Publishing! It will be titled: Storied Dishes: What Our Family Favorites Tell Us About Who We Are and Where We've Been.

In the meantime, I am looking for about another 15 more essays of 1100-1200 words each, accompanied by a recipe to round out the collection. These should be compelling memories about a woman friend or family member who has provided a significant recipe. I want to include women with a broad range of ethnic backgrounds, especially right now Mexican, African-American and American Indian, but not limited in any way. If you are interested in details or want to submit a query, please contact me offlist at

Thank you.

Linda Murray Berzok, MA

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