Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Progressive Faith Blog Conference

I'm doing my part to spread the word about this blog conference a few people are trying to get going. It's a nice one because it's all faiths - I like that. Of course it's on the East Coast so short of a miracle grant or paid invitation there's very little chance of yours truly attending. However, thanks to my Frappr map, I know several of you are out East, so maybe you can attend and tell me all about it.

(is there anywhere else in America where at 9 a.m. on December 14 one can hear parrots screeching from outside one's window??)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping us spread the word! I have high hopes this will become an annual event; perhaps next year's con can be on the west coast. :-)

Xpatriated Texan said...

This is definitely only the first meeting. Thanks for doing your part to help get the word out.